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Don't you have a job?As a freelancer, I can work anywhere. I build websites, create art, and write articles. As long as I have internet access, I'm good to go. When I'm on the road, I either use my phone as a hotspot or work from a public library.
What's next?I am stoked for another cross-country adventure this summer. Details are here.
How do you spend that much time driving?I've actually really come to enjoy it. If you're used to driving in cities, realize that 99% of my drives are not that stressful. You just cruise on a highway with truckers for hundreds of miles, with no traffic unless there is construction. It's pretty relaxing, and I love listening to music, podcasts, and audiobooks. I normally work a half day and drive 3-5 hours in a day, so it's all about balance.
What's left on your list?Having seen a fair amount of the US, I want to get some more international travel in. Top of the list in no particular order: Japan and South Korea, Peru (Machu Picchu), New Zealand, and Antarctica.
Where's your favorite place you've been?A common yet impossible question... Let's do it this way: Best national park: Saguaro if you like cactuses or Yellowstone, obviously, or Bryce, gotta go to Bryce. Most underrated place in the US: South Dakota. Favorite international destinations: Venice, Italy and Granada, Spain. (Posts forthcoming!)
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